The Sales Coach’s Gatorade Shower Moment—How to Turn Your Team into Raving Coaching Fans – from xvoyant

So—you’ve found the time to coach and you’ve scheduled face-to-face meetings. Now, what do you bring to the table that will capture your team’s attention?  What can you show them with that will help them meet quota or beat their previous best or blow away their sales goals? How do you become essential to your reps’ success? When will you get your Gatorade moment? Great coaches turn their teams into raving coaching fans. Here’s how to do it.

Find Opportunities for Improving Selling Skills

Your first priority as a coach is to help your reps get to a point where success is inevitable. Outcomes are driven by Stages, Stages are driven by Activities and Activities are driven by Skills. There are many activities and skills that help a rep move the sales needle.

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