6 Fears You’ll Have as an Older Career Changer (and How to Overcome Them) – from TheMuse

Maybe you’re no longer happy on your current path. Maybe you’re feeling drawn to something new and different. Whatever the reason, you’re thinking about changing careers. The thing is, you’re years (or decades!) into your career, having spent most of your 20s and 30s (or 40s, or more!) getting to this exact point.

So a complete change seems pretty scary, if not damn near impossible. Tell me if any of these thoughts sound familiar:

  • I’ll never make enough money!
  • What if I’m terrible at it?
  • No one will want to hire someone my age.
  • It’s just too late for me.

You’re not the first wannabe career changer to feel this way. But you don’t have to let those doubts and worries hold you back. I spoke with real career changers who made moves after 40 to get the inside scoop on how they overcame these six common fears and made successful pivots.

Finish reading this on TheMuse.com